When should direct mail be used?
Direct mail can be highly beneficial in your overall marketing strategy. If you're considering implementing direct mail campaigns for the first time, here are some tips for getting the maximum return on investment:
Determine the purpose of the mailer
Direct mail may be better suited for some marketing objectives as compared to others. While it can be difficult to raise initial awareness with direct mail, companies can reengage previous clients with a well-timed postcard or letter. It can also be useful for highlighting limited-time promotions, but this requires campaigns to adhere to a schedule. Direct mail is an effective tool for carrying on an existing relationship with clients.
Before getting started, you need to identify your target audience, your objective for the campaign and the key benefits of the offer, according to Value Walk. Another important planning consideration is the budget for the campaign.
Be aware of the most important elements of the mailer
While some marketers get carried away with the creative aspects of a direct mail campaign, there are certain elements in the copy that require more attention. The wording of the offer is important, and there needs to be a clear call to action so recipients understand the next step. Depending on the format of the mailer, too much text may be the wrong approach. Too many paragraphs crammed onto a postcard won't convert many customers. The copy should speak to recipients' pain points while also communicating the benefits of your product or offer.
In addition, accuracy can't be overlooked when it comes to campaign planning. Address correction can ensure you have accurate contact information in your database so mailers go to the right customer segments. This allows you to get a higher return on investment from your marketing efforts.