Why traditional marketing works for back-to-school shopping
Despite increasing effort put forth by marketers to attract consumers through digital channels for back-to-school shopping, direct mail has proven the most effective means of contacting parents. With direct mail marketing, the need for address validation is paramount so that business owners and consumers have access to information that will lead them to make the most of the sales offered during peak times for marketing campaigns.
Increased access to the Internet
There's no question social media and mobile devices have had a significant impact on the way businesses interact with consumers, as research conducted through the Pew Internet & American Life Project has consistently demonstrated adults and teens throughout the country have greater access to Internet and mobile technology. According to the most recent study, 70 percent of all adults have broadband access to the Web at home, while 56 percent of the same demographic own a smartphone. Because of expanding coverage of wireless Internet throughout the U.S., people are receiving digital marketing messages more easily.
Greater discounts needed to attract consumers
However, not all information works equally well across the various channels. Reuters indicated back-to-school shopping deals depended on significantly deeper levels of discounts compared to last year. Ken Perkins, president of Retail Metrics, explained retailers were forced to increase the level of discounts to improve customer participation this year. Meanwhile, marketers who depended on traditional marketing channels have reaped the greatest benefits.
Direct mail influences parents most
Rocket Fuel's "Back-To-School Shopping Q3 2013" report provided the strongest evidence for the power of direct mail marketing. Research indicated 75 percent of parents learned about back-to-school promotions through print circulars, beating out online advertising by nearly 20 percent. At the same time, less than 10 percent of adults plan to do the majority of their back-to school shopping online. One explanation for this is that clothing is a product that parents must see firsthand to know whether it will be suitable for their children. Moreover, students have strong opinions about what they will wear and what school supplies they prefer.
While digital marketing has impacted the way businesses interact with consumers, direct mail continues to have the most significant impact on shopping habits for parents preparing for the school year. For retailers and marketers, mailing software is the best resource to get product and service information in the hands of target consumers.