Studies tout effectiveness of printed materials
While some have gone to strictly digital platforms for outreach efforts, there are a number of different businesses in a variety of sectors that have stuck with direct mail to tout the value of products and services.
Many studies have found that despite electronic platforms such as email or social media outlets, most consumers still prefer to get promotional material through the mail, as it can feel more personal and relevant.
"In July of 2011 (the) Journal of Marketing released the results of a research project on multi-channel marketing," AccurateLeads said in a statement. "They tested telephone, email and direct mail for the service department of a large automotive dealership. The research found that compared to phone and email, customers accepted twice the amount of direct mail before spending levels started to decrease."
While people may be glued to their electronic devices, the fact remains that that printed material sent out using address validation software is still a very powerful way to generate solid leads and increase sales.