Sensory response matters for marketers
While some marketers have been quick to look to online outlets to better highlight the products or services being offered, sending out direct mail can have a more lasting impact, according to many experts.
A recent article from AccurateLeads revealed that because people have such a strong response to senses including sight and touch, the methods were likely to be engaging.
"There is also the all-important sense of touch. A restaurant in Yarmouth, Massachusetts used a piece of paper that was treated to feel like plastic and a corner section of the mailer could be removed that was the size of a credit card," AccurateLeads notes in a statement. "At this point the prospect could put their 'credit card' in their wallet or purse for later use. The restaurant saw a 30 percent response rate from this campaign."
There is something that clients and consumers respond to when it comes to holding a physical piece of paper in their hands. Sometimes digital technology can leave people feeling disconnected and just one of many getting a message. Using tools such as address validation software to send out direct mail could go a long way in achieving profit goals.