How print marketing can learn from digital
Since the arrival of social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, there has been a growing emphasis on how businesses can use social media in their marketing strategies.
However, a recent article by Business2Community asserts that entrepreneurs should not retire their address verification software - there are specific and integral roles for print and direct mail to play in the new marketing atmosphere.
One way is to marry the two mediums. For example, the source explains that those who publish magazines or newsletters for clients and consumers shouldn't stop at a printed version of the magazine. Take the articles and go online, or even offer consumers the prospect of more information by adding a URL to the print material.
Another way to leverage multichannel marketing is through quick response codes. These partner print and the increasingly trendy mobile marketing sector to allow consumers to scan barcodes to get more information about a company or access special deals and savings.
The key is engagment, and that is the main lesson social media has taught business: Consumers want to feel valued and a part of a business. They want to be consulted and see that their opinions matter.