Direct mail can be more relevant than Internet ads
Although many marketing experts have been saying for years that direct mail is on its way out, this couldn't be further from the truth. With the right tools - such as postal software - your organization can continue to acquire new customers through this channel.
Quality Online Research and Australia Post recently conducted the "Creating Connections That Matter" study, which revealed personalized direct mail was the fifth most effective form of marketing overall. In certain industries, such as banking and charitable foundations, direct mail can rank in the top two. The survey found this channel was more effective than email, social media, and Internet display ads.
Direct mail was also useful for keeping customers informed about new product or service offerings or special promotions.
Direct mail potentially more effective than Internet advertising
Because Internet marketing methods rely on technology, some companies consider it more useful than traditional marketing channels. While it's true that advertisers may be able to reach a wider audience on the Web, this doesn't guarantee that consumers are paying attention to these communications, according to Time magazine. In fact, the average online reader has a 15 second attention span.
In 1994, the click-through rate became the definitive measure of marketing performance. However, this notion does not account for how long visitors are actually engaging with the ad. In addition, many marketers devised spammy ads to encourage people to click. This trend has contributed to the lack of attention online. Rather than gaining the highest possible number of clicks, marketers need viewers to devote time and attention to content, which is why direct mail continues to be a relevant advertising medium.
Direct mail still holds an important place in overall strategies because customers enjoy the personalized attention, and it can be a great way to cut through all the noise on the Internet. Especially as consumers move more of their bills online, it's less common to receive paper mail. Recipients will take notice of a well-designed mail piece. There is less competition for attention in the mailbox, which is a reason why direct mail campaigns may be more effective at driving results compared to Internet banner ads.
Bulk mailing software can help marketers handle the more tedious aspects of a direct campaign, such as presorting and address verification. This can ensure accuracy so you can see the intended results from postcards and letters.