Canadian Address & Mailing Software
Canadian Addressing Correction Codes V L and VRR
In SmartSort where can I find the current rates?
What is the effective date associated with the presort database?
How do I print the pallet and piece information on my barcoded container labels?
How do I print barcoded container labels?
Canadian Addressing Correction Codes V L and VRR
What do the Canadian Addressing Correction Codes V L and VRR mean?
1. ‘V L’ – is for valid LVR (Large Volume Receivers) addresses
a. SERP requires that we don’t touch the incoming address if the incoming postal code points to an LVR. The rationale for doing that is the postal code sticks with the customer even if they move. For example, most companies move due to upsizing and downsizing and tend to stay in the same geographic area.
2. ‘VRR’ – valid rural address
a. CPC’s POC (Point of Call) information on rural addresses may not always be 100% accurate. Unlike urban areas where the physical addresses can be collected by the local mail delivery person, rural areas tend to be delivered to a single CMB(community mailbox) or Post Office. This means real locations may or may not be collected and if they are, they cover a large geographic area. For example, RR 1 could cover several kilometers of back roads. The address validation and correction rules related to rural addresses are therefore a bit looser. Basically from a mail sortation process, CPC is interested primarily in getting the mail to the correct CMB/Post Office. From there it’s handled locally.
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What is a Freshness Code?
A Freshness Code is printed on presorted mail pieces. CPC uses this code to quickly determine if the presorted pieces have been sorted with the correct presort database.
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In SmartSort where can I find the current rates?
The current rates are available from the main menu bar in SmartSort.
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What is the effective date associated with the presort database?
This date range indicates when mail can be dropped at CPC for mail presorted with that database.
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How do I print the pallet and piece information on my barcoded container labels?
Check ‘Show Optional Text’ under the ‘Options’ in the main menu bar.
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How do I print barcoded container labels?
You need to use the LabelPrint program. This application has been approved by CPC to print the required container labels.